Good Delivery List - Gold Former

Only refiners whose bars have been accredited by MCBIH as meeting the exacting standards for trading on the global OTC market appear in the Good Delivery List.

View details of all those refiners who are now on the former Good Delivery List. Click the plus to view additional details.

  • Argor SA First Listing of Refinery: 15/9/61 Refinery Location: Chiasso

    Country: Switzerland

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 15/9/61

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 1/9/86

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark:

    ARGOR SA CHIASSO around SAA in a circle. Assay mark is ESSAYEUR FONDEUR and stylised A in rectangle.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Bureau Central Suisse, Contrōle Métaux Précieux (Assayers only) First Listing of Refinery: Pre 1980 Refinery Location: n/a

    Country: Switzerland

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: n/a

    Date of Transfer to Former List: Unknown

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Mark: Bureau Central Suisse, Contrōle Métaux Précieux. Assayer Only - The Association confines its listing to those organisations which have the capability both to melt and to assay Good Delivery bars. This organisation was accorded the status of 'Assayer only' on the relevant listing previously issued by the London Gold Market.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Cendres + Métaux SA First Listing of Refinery: 20/5/81 Refinery Location: Biel-Bienne

    Country: Switzerland

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 1/8/96

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 13/4/15

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark:

    Cendres et Métaux SA. CH Bienne in circle around CM logo and CM Essayeur Fondeur in rectangle

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred at their request as it no longer meets GDL requirements.

  • Central Bank of the DPR of Korea First Listing of Refinery: 22/4/76 Refinery Location: Pyongyang

    Country: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 22/4/76

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 30/6/04

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark:

    CENTRAL BANK PYONGYANG around REFINERS MELTERS. Assay mark is circle with CENTRAL BANK DPR OF KOREA in roman and Korean characters beneath horse logo.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Chartered Industries of Singapore (Assayer Only) First Listing of Refinery: 1/3/80 Refinery Location: n/a

    Country: Singapore

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: n/a

    Date of Transfer to Former List: Unknown

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Assayer Only - The Association confines its listing to those organisations which have the capability both to melt and to assay Good Delivery bars.

    This organisation was accorded the status of 'Assayer only' on the relevant listing previously issued by the London Gold Market.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Comptoir Lyon-Alemand Louyot First Listing of Refinery: Pre 1934 Refinery Location: Paris

    Country: France

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: Unknown

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 1/10/95

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Comptoir Lyon-Alemand Louyot-Paris Affineur Fondeur and assay mark

    Note: In France the assay stamps used were those registered by individual assayers with the Chambre Syndicale des Agents de Change.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Daniel C. Griffith & Co Ltd (Assayers only) First Listing of Refinery: Pre 1980 Refinery Location: n/a

    Country: United Kingdom

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: n/a

    Date of Transfer to Former List: Unknown

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Assayer Only - The Association confines its listing to those organisations which have the capability both to melt and to assay Good Delivery bars.

    This organisation was accorded the status of 'Assayer only' on the relevant listing previously issued by the London Gold Market.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Elemetal Refining, LLC First Listing of Refinery: 19/12/13 Refinery Location: Jackson

    Country: USA

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 1/6/15

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 31/3/17

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - Final Bar Mark: A round stamp incorporating Elemetal logo with ELEMETAL REFINING above and JACKSON below.

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred due to failing to meet the requirements of the Responsible Sourcing programme.

  • Engelhard S.A. First Listing of Refinery: Pre 1989 Refinery Location: Ivry

    Country: France

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: Unknown

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 1/10/95

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark:

    Compagnie des Métaux Précieux Paris Fondeurs Affineurs and assay mark

    Note: In France the assay stamps used were those registered by individual assayers with the Chambre Syndicale des Agents de Change.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Engelhard-CLAL S.A.S. First Listing of Refinery: 4/10/95 Refinery Location: Noisy le Sec

    Country: France

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: Unknown

    Date of Transfer to Former List: Unknown

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred

    ENGELHARD-CLAL Paris and lion logo

    Note: In France the assay stamps used were those registered by individual assayers with the Chambre Syndicale des Agents de Change.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG First Listing of Refinery: 15/7/58 Refinery Location: Hanau

    Country: Germany

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 15/7/58

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 31/12/2018

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Heraeus Hanau in rectangle

    (After fully acquiring Argor-Heraeus S.A. in 2017, the majority of the gold refining activities have been transferred to Switzerland)

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred at their request as it no longer meets GDL requirements

  • Johnson & Sons, Assayers Ltd (Assayers only) First Listing of Refinery: Pre 1980 Refinery Location: n/a

    Country: United Kingdom

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: n/a

    Date of Transfer to Former List: Unknown

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Mark: Assay Office stamp

    Assayer Only - The Association confines its listing to those organisations which have the capability both to melt and to assay Good Delivery bars.

    This organisation was accorded the status of 'Assayer only' on the relevant listing previously issued by the London Gold Market.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Johnson Matthey Plc First Listing of Refinery: ~1955 Refinery Location: Royston, Herts

    Country: United Kingdom

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 1/11/02

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 25/5/05

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark:

    JOHNSON MATTHEY LONDON in oval around REFINERS MELTERS and assay mark is JOHNSON MATTHEY ASSAY OFFICE in oval around crossed hammers logo (bar numbers in landscape)

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Johnson Matthey Plc First Listing of Refinery: ~1955 Refinery Location: Royston, Herts

    Country: United Kingdom

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 1/1/63

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 31/10/02

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Bar Mark Transferred

    JOHNSON MATTHEY LONDON in oval around REFINERS MELTERS and assay mark is JOHNSON MATTHEY ASSAY OFFICE in oval around crossed hammers logo (bar number in portrait)

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • Korea Zinc Co Ltd First Listing of Refinery: 9/8/00 Refinery Location: Onsan (2)

    Country: Korea, Republic of

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 9/8/00

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 20/11/09

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark:

    KOREA ZINC CO., LTD. 1974 in circle around KZ

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred due to failing to meet company’s listing requirements (as per the GDL Rulebook).

  • L'azurde Company for Jewelry First Listing of Refinery: 1/6/10 Refinery Location: Riyadh

    Country: Saudi Arabia

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 1/6/10

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 29/2/16

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark: L'AZURDE in Roman and Arabic characters beneath square company logo with stylised 'L'.

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred due to failing to meet the requirements of the Responsible Sourcing programme.

  • Laboratoires Boudet & Dussaix (Assayers only) First Listing of Refinery: Pre 1980 Refinery Location: n/a

    Country: France

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: n/a

    Date of Transfer to Former List: Unknown

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Assayer Only - The Association confines its listing to those organisations which have the capability both to melt and to assay Good Delivery bars.

    This organisation was accorded the status of 'Assayer only' on the relevant listing previously issued by the London Gold Market.

    Reason for Transfer: Other (Unknown, Historical)

  • OJSC Kolyma Refinery First Listing of Refinery: 17/9/04 Refinery Location: Khasyn

    Country: Russia

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 17/9/04

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 17/9/15

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - final bar mark: Company logo (triangle shape with u shape image in centre) and_______ ('Russia' in Cyrillic script) in oval

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred due to failing to meet company’s listing requirements (as per the GDL Rulebook).

  • Republic Metals Corporation First Listing of Refinery: 17/2/14 Refinery Location: Miami

    Country: USA

    Date of Listing of Bar/Mark: 15/1/18

    Date of Transfer to Former List: 12/12/18

    Brand Mark at Date of Transfer: Refinery Transferred - Final Bar Mark: Rectangular stamp incorporating RMC below with gold being poured from a crucible above M into a mould below. Below this is the Assay Seal.

    Reason for Transfer: Refinery transferred due to failing to meet company’s listing requirements (as per the GDL Rulebook).