Reference Materials

Certified Reference Materials are used by analytical laboratories to calibrate analytical equipment and are available for purchase from MCBIH.

As part of our promotion of quality and good practice in the refining and trade of gold and silver, MCBIH produces and sells Certified Reference Materials (CRMs). CRMs are available to any laboratories that want to calibrate their analytical equipment using MCBIH standards.

There is currently only one gold CRM available. AuRM3 is intended to be used for the validation of instrumental methods for determining the concentration of trace metallic impurities in gold, such as X-ray fluorescence and optical emission spectrometry, using spark or inductively coupled plasma.

There is one set of silver CRMs available. AgRM4 and AgRM5 are suitable for the validation of analytical methods as well as for calibration of analytical instruments.

Ordering MCBIH Certified Reference Materials: Please download the order form(s) below, or email us for more information at

Download Order Form for AuRM3

Download Order Form for AgRM4 and AgRM5

Download the MCBIH Gold Reference Material Certificate of Analysis - AuRM3

Download the MCBIH Silver Reference Material Certificate of Analysis - AgRM4 and AgRM5

The development of new gold certified reference materials is in progress. Please continue to check here for further updates on when these will become available to purchase